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Super Kids

Rec Baseball

Select & Premier Baseball



Create an RYA Account

Create a SportsEngine account to stay up-to-date on upcoming sports program registrations and other communications from RYA!

Active Registrations

Link to BAYFA Soccer Website

RYA does not offer Soccer at this time, but our friends over at BAYFA do offer Soccer if your families are interested. Check out their website here.

RYA Contact Info

Office phone:
(817) 656-4004


Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 820571
North Richland Hills, TX 76182

Richfield Park
7250 Chapman Road
North Richland Hills, TX 76182
Cross Timbers Park
7680 Douglas Lane
North Richland Hills, TX 76182
Walker's Creek Park
8403 Emerald Hills Way
North Richland Hills, TX 76180


Please visit the RYA Board page to email any current members of the Board of Directors.

Welcome To The Richland Youth Association

The Richland Youth Association (RYA) was established in 1964 and for over 50 years has provided year round sports experiences to the North Richland Hills and surrounding areas. Youth from age 3 to 14 participate in Baseball, 4 to 13 participate in Cheer,  age 5 to 12 participate in Basketball and Football, and 5 to 15 participate in Softball. RYA strives to provide the highest level of competition for our athletes stressing the importance of team work, commitment, and of course FUN!

Our coaches in all sports are held to a very high standard. In addition to all coaches completing annual background checks, coaches also maintain coaching certifications by completing online classes through the National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS)

Referees and Umpires complete several hours of training and are certified by their respective organizations annually as well. All referees and umpires additionally must complete an RYA background check annually and baseball umpires are all required to gain certification through NAYS Officials Training as well. 

The Richland Youth Association is non-profit and educational organization whose mission is to foster the physical, mental and emotional growth and development of America's youth through the sports of Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Cheerleading at all levels of age and competition.

Thank you for taking time to review our program and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon! If you are interested in participating as a volunteer coach, assistant coach, or board member, please reach out and we'll answer any questions you may have!

Follow RYA Sports on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram today!

SportsEngine App

Keep up with the latest schedules, results, news and statistics. Share photos and videos at the game, and manage your team events and rosters... all from the palm of your hand.

Fans, parents, athletes, and coaches of RYA now have unprecedented access to scores, stats, schedules, photo and video sharing, and more. Admins and coaches can use the app to edit games, events and rosters.

You can download the SportsEngine app in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Perry Weather

Lightning Advisory Info

Perry Weather has a lightning advisory feature that detects lightning within 10 miles of our parks. If lightning is observed within 10 miles, all practices and games must be suspended for 30 minutes. This 30 minute timer will reset with each lightning strike within 10 miles.

When activated, the indicator at the parks will make a loud series of sounds and the indicator will begin flashing yellow. Once all clear, the indicator will stop flashing yellow and will make another loud sound to announce it is clear to resume activities. 

WBGT (WetBulb Globe Temperature)

Use the links below to see the current WBGT (WetBulb Globe Temperature)

This is the temperature that RYA and the City of NRH use to determine if weather conditions are safe for outdoor activities such as practices and games.

If the WBGT is 90.1-92, coaches are required to limit practices to 60 minutes.

If the WBGT is above 92, all practices and/or games will be suspended until the WBGT is below 92.

Player safety is our number one priority. Please let us know if there are any safety concerns or comments you would like to share:

Perry Weather - Richfield Park

Perry Weather monitor for Richfield Park

Perry Weather - Cross Timbers

Perry Weather monitor for Cross Timbers Park

Playing Field Status

Check here between 2-3pm on rainy days, as the city's Parks and Recreation department will update us on the fields being open or closed for practices and games.

= Field is playable 

= Field is unplayable

Access to baseball fields is only permitted during scheduled practices during scheduled baseball seasons. Off-season practices on baseball fields is not permitted without written permission from the Baseball Director. 

RYA has proud partnerships with the following:

Proud Member Organization of NAYS

Proud partner of NRH Parks and Recreation

Academy Sports

Proudly sponsored by Academy Sports (NRH & North Fort Worth locations)

Proud Member - NWTX Youth Football Association

The North Richland Youth Association, doing business as the Richland Youth Association (RYA),
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. 

All information, media, and content on this website is copyrighted by RYA and it's respective partners.
No information obtained from this website may be used without express written consent from the RYA Board of Directors.